Sunday, 11 October 2009


This blog has been created for a single purpose - to advance* a particular (and perhaps peculier) worldview that could be described as sort of romantic, moralistic, anti-liberal** Socialism or perhaps as a form of Socialism that rejects the idea of progress. It will largely be concerned with politics, culture, society (and related issues) and history, though other subjects will doubtless crop up from time to time. Besy, the transliteration of the Russian title of Dostoyevsky's great anti-revolutionary novel, might seem like an unusual title for an ostensibly Socialist blog but may make more sense to readers (if there ever are any) with time.

Al Widdershins is, of course, a pseudonym. And the profile picture isn't of me... it is, instead, a picture of someone who appears to have looked amusingly similar to me (Alexandre Benois). I find that amusing, others might not.

And with that little formality over with...

*Or to at least try. I'm not expecting much success.
**But democratic, all the same.


  1. Al Widdershins doesn't have much of a ring to it. Might I suggest another name from Dostoevsky which seems to fit the bill: Идиот.

    If you wished, you could loosely translate it as "The Plonker".

  2. How witty. I'm in awe of your wit, sir!
